Be Prepared for Disasters: 70 Things That Can Go Wrong

Be Prepared for Disasters: 70 Things That Can Go Wrong: Even the most prepared person can make some serious mistakes during an emergency situation.  Being prepared must also be knowing the potential mistakes that can be made, and avoid them.

rabbit cages disaster"As recent as four years ago, when someone mentioned disaster preparedness, the nature and scope of the disaster was typically something caused by Mother Nature.  Sure, some consideration was given to man-made disasters and terrorism, but for the most part, it was a freak of nature that worried us the most.

These days, we worry about a whole lot more.  EMPs, solar flares, bio-terrorism, pandemics, nuclear war and more dominate the what-if landscape.  Add to that the possibility of a global famine or economic collapse and heck, we could spend all day and all night caught up in fear of the unknown."

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