Why you should consider raising your own rabbits:

Time Efficient
Feeding, watering, and breeding your rabbits takes very little time.  A properly built housing system installed in a well-planned rabbitry will allow for decreased labor and increased production. As an example, 128 breeding females, 16 males, and an average of 1200 babies still only required 20-30 minutes of labor daily to maintain those numbers. So for a combined total of 10-15 hours of work per month, 3500 pounds of rabbit could be produced. That’s $35,000 retail. Think of how little time you’ll need to lower your food costs

Space Efficient
Rabbits require very little space to live and nurture their young.  In the wild, their warrens are just big enough to turn around in and nest their kits.  The warren is also just tall enough to allow their ears to stand up all the way while the rabbit lies down. Our housing systems are designed and built with that in mind. For every 28 square feet, you can raise 640 baby rabbits annually for a combined live weight of 3200 pounds. You can find Hutches and cages here.

Money/Resources Efficient
Seventy percent of America’s tillable soil/ known farmland is allocated to growing food for our food.  Vast seas of corn and soybeans sprawl out over the countryside, mostly intended for cattle. Imagine if we dedicated that ground to growing feed for an animal that is nine times more efficient.