Crop Rotation Benefits the Backyard Survival Garden

Crop Rotation Benefits the Backyard Survival Garden

crop rotation homesteadIf you're growing a survival garden in your backyard then learning more about crop rotation is important for the health of that garden."When I started gardening I never heard the term “crop rotation”.  It was never mentioned in the books or blogs that I was reading either.  But now, with some years under my belt, I continue to learn the importance of this for successful gardens.

What is crop rotation?

Crop rotation is a deliberate and organized plan to rotate crops from one year to the next.  In the most basic terms, you are moving crops around so that you are not growing the same family of vegetables in the same area year after year.  With perfect crop rotation, you only grow the same family of plants in the area one out of every three growing seasons.

Crop rotation is used pretty regularly by large organic farmers.  However, it is rarely used by standard commercial farmers; which often leads to more and more use of pesticides."

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