Mapping Your Neighborhood from a Tactical Perspective

Mapping Your Neighborhood from a Tactical Perspective

Neighborhood meat rabbitsWhether you're planning to bug in or bug out, you need to know your neighborhood.  You need to understand in the same way a military would see it.

Your Neighborhood - a different perspective

"Your neighborhood could be configured in all types of ways depending on where you live. In a larger city we might have boundaries that are simply streets. Your neighborhood might run a certain number of blocks ending at the river. It could be that your neighborhood is the traditional suburban subdivision complete with a sign out front. You could live in a gated community or your neighborhood might just be a dozen homes in the country.

Before you enact a plan to defend your neighborhood, it helps to think about a few things first."

Know Your Enemy

"Who are you defending your neighborhood from? What kinds of threats could you expect to encounter? For the purposes of this article, we aren’t going to consider a professional military force. We will say that the enemy could be lone individuals or gangs who range from simply hungry and desperate to organized and violent. Depending on your location and the duration of the event, you might encounter all types of people."

Mapping Your Neighborhood from a Tactical Perspective

Read the rest of this article.


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