Prepping for Resilience

Prepping for Resilience

rabbit cages prepare"Yesterday I shared a blog post that I wrote almost a year ago about how to have resilience when the world economic system seems to be failing all around us.  A year later things look even bleaker.  Many experts are saying its not a matter of if the monetary system will fail entirely but when.  We drove to Vancouver to visit our new grandchild 10 days ago, and witnessed the depression in the rural areas and then a complete boom in the city.  It seemed unreal crossing the Great Divide that separates all of BC from the lower mainland at the junction of Route 5, Highway 3, and the number 1 highway at Hope.  Suddenly there was massive road construction, new buildings going up, and “Help Wanted” signs on the doors of the retail and fast food businesses.  But this seeming rich and thriving economy was an illusion.  The construction we were seeing was fueled by government spending, not a thriving economy.  The jobs that were advertised were minimum wage, part-time, no-benefit jobs.  The restaurants were pretty empty.  The stores and malls pretty quiet, too.

Economies that are fuelled by government spending, tax cuts, and bail-outs are not thriving economies.  They are economies that are about to implode."

Continue Reading:  10 Steps to Prepping for Resilience in Challenging Times


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