Rabbit Meat For Sale
Meat rabbit farming is great, as long as you enjoy eating rabbit meat. I am approached at least three times a week by people wanting a “try it before you buy it” experience. It’s hard to find rabbit meat for sale. I completely understand that too. I wouldn’t want to invest a couple hundred dollars and all the time required into a new hobby/ homestead project just to find out my product isn’t agreeable to my taste.
Meat rabbit farming is great, as long as you enjoy eating rabbit meat. I am approached at least three times a week by people wanting a “try it before you buy it” experience. It’s hard to find rabbit meat for sale.
Imagine planting a field full of turnips without trying a turnip first to make sure you like them. So, I suggest purchasing some rabbit meat to test it on your palette. With a few pounds of rabbit meat, you can try your favorite chicken recipes with rabbit substituted for chicken. If you would prefer trying new recipes, you can find them here.
The Hostile Hare website is LOADED with info such as Why Rabbits, Buying Rabbits, and Common Care for Rabbits. Now we have an option for BUYING Rabbit Meat. At the Hostile Homestead,we have live rabbits for breeding stock and pets available for purchase, butlive rabbits don’t ship very easily. Once processed and frozen, they don’trequire the same attention a live animal would. If you are interested inordering rabbit meat in bulk for pet consumption, feel free to send an emailand we can get you a quote. If you’dlike to try some rabbit before investing in our awesome Cage Systems, followthese affiliate links to order rabbit meat for sale for human consumption.
Rabbit with White Wine Sausage
Some of these prices are substantially higher than that of beef, chicken, and pork. To me, this really drives home the worth of investing in rabbit meat farming. Steaks and Game is a premium meat source site, there are some convenience costs associated with ordering meat from a website.